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华东师范大学外语学院诚聘海内外英才 Faculty position recruitment of SFL, ECNU

 地点:上海  发布时间:2023/1/9 11:21:16 字体大小:+









1. 学科素养深厚,学术视野开阔,已取得较突出的高水平原创性成果,具有较高的国内外知名度和学术影响力;

2. 在国内著名高校、科研机构担任教授职务,或在海外知名高校、科研机构担任副教授及以上职务;

3. 各方向均长期招聘。



1、紫江优秀青年学者(青年领军人才) 2-3人

① 具有博士学位,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教职,且具有连续3年以上工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求。

② 能胜任本科核心课程讲授任务;在科学研究方面已取得突出学术成果,有较强的团队领导和组织协调能力,创新发展潜力大,具有协助本学科赶超或保持国际先进水平的能力。

③ 年龄一般不超过45岁,特别优秀的可适当放宽。


① 具有博士学位,原则上应具有1年及以上的博士后研究经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求。

② 已取得同行公认的高水平研究成果,有突出的发展潜质,并有望成为所在学科的青年领军人才。

③ 年龄一般不超过40周岁,特别优秀的可适当放宽。











School of Foreign Languages, ECNU

The School of Foreign Languages, East China Normal University (ECNU), was founded in 1993, based on the Department of Foreign Languages established in 1951. The School boasts 183 faculty and staff members, including 22 professors and 35 associate professors. It now offers seven undergraduate programs and one double BA degree program, namely, English, Japanese, French, German, Russian, Spanish, translation, and translation + history. The school’s doctoral programs in English Language and Literature and Foreign Language and Literature were approved as a second-class discipline and a first-class discipline in 1998 and 2010, respectively. Currently, the school has five second-class doctoral programs in English Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, one first-class MA program in Foreign Linguistics, and six second-class master degree programs in English Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, and Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. It also has two professional master degree programs, namely, master in education and master in translation interpreting, and a post-doctoral mobile research centre of foreign languages and literatures. According to the fourth China’s disciplinary evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Education in 2017, the School’s Foreign Languages and Literatures was selected into the A-Class (top 5%-10% nationally).

The school boasts ten research centers, including the MOE-registered Australian Studies Center and Center for American Studies, the Asia-Pacific Region Studies Center, the New Zealand Studies Center, the College English Teaching Studies Center, the Foreign Language Teaching Research Center, Research Center for Critical Language Education, the Japanese Language Education Studies Center, the Translation Studies Center, and Institute of Area Studies. It also publishes a CSSCI-Indexed journal, Foreign Language Learning Theory and Practice.

Over the past five years, the school has had one course selected into national first-class online and offline mixed teaching courses and two courses into national quality resource-sharing courses. It has won two first prizes and one second prize of Shanghai Teaching Achievements. Three courses have been approved to be the key courses of Shanghai and six textbooks have won provincial and ministerial level awards. In terms of academic research, 21 research projects of the school have gained the support of the National Social Science Foundation, among which “French literature in Africa: translation and research” is supported by the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 16 projects have been supported by the national social science foundations at the provincial and ministerial levels. More than 250 high-quality academic papers have been published, including 76 in SSCI and A&HCI indexed journals. The scholars at the School have published 152 monographs and books in translations during the past five years.

The school attaches great importance to international academic exchanges. It has established long-term cooperative relations with universities in the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan, Germany, France, Russia, and other countries. Every year, students are selected to study abroad. The school also recruits nearly 100 domestic and foreign visiting scholars, teachers seeking to advance teaching skills, and Masters of Education each year. The teachers had been selected into the “China-US Fulbright Program” for four consecutive years, one in each year. In August 2011, Le Clezio, the 2008 Nobel Prize for Literature, was invited to give a lecture on the Daxia Forum. In addition, the school has established long-term stable teacher-student exchange programs, academic exchanges, and partnerships with a number of colleges and universities, including University of Cambridge, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Université Lyon 2, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III, WASEDA University, Moscow State University, Purdue University, St. Olaf College, State University of New York at Albany, La Trobe University, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, and University of Western Sydney. The school has also successfully hosted many international conferences, such as the Daxia Cross-disciplinary Forum on Linguistics, the International Seminar on Translation and Translation Teaching in the Context of Globalization, the High-level Forum in Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of China-US Diplomatic Relations, the 3rd International Conference of Australian Studies in China, an International Symposium on Patrick White’s Works, an International Seminar on Publication of Australian Studies in China, a Symposium on Proust’s Works, an International Symposium on Asia-Pacific Civil Society and Cultural Diversity, and the 14th International Conference on the Short Story in English.

The 14th International Conference on the Short Story in English

Da Xia Inter-School Linguistics Forum

The School of Foreign Languages invites candidates at home and abroad to apply for the following faculty positions.


1.Outstanding leading scholars

1) Scholars in this category should be highly competent in the related disciplines and have broad scholarly visions. They should have high-quality, original academic results and an international or national fame that matches their scholarly influence.

2) They should hold the position of full professor in prestigious universities or research institutions in China or the position of associate professorship or above in prestigious universities or research institutions abroad.

3) Positions are available all year round.

2.Outstanding young scholars

The school seeks promising candidates with academic excellence in disciplines that include English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, and translation for the “New Double-Hundred Talents Program”. Under this program, candidates must qualify for either of the following designations: Zijiang Young Scholar or Zijiang Young Scholar of Excellence.

Zijiang Young Scholar of Excellence (Young leading scholars): 2-3

(1) Candidates must hold a PhD degree and should have obtained formal teaching positions in foreign institutions of higher learning, research institutions, or R&D departments of enterprises, with at least three years of working experience in succession. The requirement for years of working can be appropriately relaxed for those who have obtained a PhD from a foreign university with outstanding academic achievements.

(2) Candidates should be able to teach core courses offered at ECNU. They should have obtained outstanding scientific research achievements, with strong leadership, fine organizing and coordinating abilities, great potential for innovative development, and the ability to facilitate disciplinary development at the national or international levels.

(3) Candidates should be under 45 years of age. For those exceedingly outstanding, the the age requirement can be flexible.

Zijiang Young Scholar (Young top scholars): 2-3

(1) Candidates must hold a PhD, and in principle, have one year of post-doctoral experience or above. The requirement for years of working can be flexible for those who have obtained a PhD from a foreign university with outstanding academic achievements.

(2) Candidates should have obtained high-quality research results recognized by the scholarly community, with prominent potential for development and the potential of becoming leading scholars in their respective field of study.

(3) Candidates should be under 40 years of age. For those exceedingly outstanding, the age requirement can be flexible.

3.Regular recruitment

Disciplines for recruitment: English, Japanese, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Translation and Interpreting.

Professors and Associate Professor(s)

(4-5 for each major)

Candidates should meet the requirements for teachers set by the Ministry of Education of China. They should normally have a PhD in the related discipline from prestigious Chinese or foreign universities, with high-quality academic results and an academic reputation in the scholarly community. Candidates for professors normally should not exceed 50 years of age and candidates for associate professors, 45 years of age. They should have good potential for development. Exceedingly outstanding associate professors can apply for the position of professorship directly. Requirements for candidates applying for positions of professorship and associate professorship in Spanish can be flexible.

Chenhui Scholars (2-3)

Candidates should meet the requirements for a teachers set by the Ministry of Education of China. They should have a PhD from or post-doctoral research experience in prestigious Chinese or foreign universities or research institutions, with an excellent foundation for scientific research work, fine potential for development, and excellent research output. Current graduates should not exceed 30 years of age and those with post-doctoral experience, 33 years of age. For those exceedingly outstanding, the age requirement can be approximately relaxed. According to the relevant policies of ECNU, successful candidates shall be paid an annual salary of 180,000 yuan before tax. They shall also be eligible for other benefits, subsidies, and the application of initial research funding offered by the university.


Candidates meeting the requirements can visit http://www.jobs.ecnu.edu.cn/ for application.

For more information, please contact Miss Shu at 021-54340725 or shuchang1906@163.com.





1. 当該分野において高い素養と広い学問的視野を持ち、独創性のある研究業績を上げている者で、国内外では高い知名度と学術的影響力を有していること。

2. 国内の著名な大学、研究機関において教育経験を要している者。または、海外の名門大学?研究機関において准教授以上の職位に従事している者。



1. 紫江優秀青年学者2-3人




2. 紫江青年学者2-3人






1. 教授、准教授(各4−5名程度)


2. 晨暉学者(2−3名程度)



華東師範大学公募(URL http://www.jobs.ecnu.edu.cn/)より、ご応募ください。

お問い合わせ先電話番号: 021-54340725

