About Us
The Institute of Novel Semiconductors is a key academic special zone supported by Shandong University. It focuses on the major demands in energy, information, rail transit, and other fields, cultivating the development of new generation wide bandgap and ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor single crystal materials, enhancing breakthroughs in key technologies of semiconductor devices, and promoting application demonstrations in typical application fields.
Recruitment Conditions
(A) Basic Conditions
1. Born after January 1, 1969 (inclusive);
2. In principle, should have a Ph.D. degree;
3. Have obtained a formal teaching or research position at overseas universities, research institutions, or corporate R&D institutions;
4. Have obtained research or technical achievements recognized by peers in the field, and have the potential to become a leading academic or outstanding talent in the field.
(B) Research Directions and Professional Fields
Growth of new generation semiconductor single crystal materials such as silicon carbide, gallium nitride, gallium oxide, diamond, aluminum nitride, boron arsenide, thin film growth, substrate processing, advanced laser technology; fabrication of power devices, optoelectronic functional devices, acoustic devices, microwave devices; and the related technology fields of packaging testing, modules, etc.
Compensation and Benefits
(A) High Starting Point for Career Development: Eligible for appointment as a professor and doctoral supervisor;
(B) Competitive Salary: Comprehensive annual salary not less than 600,000 RMB, with no cap on total income;
(C) Sufficient Research Funding: Research funding ranging from 3 to 10 million RMB during the employment period;
(D) Excellent Working and Living Conditions: Offers a settling-in and housing subsidy of no less than 2.5 million RMB for national talents, first-term appointees receive free accommodation in the talent apartment and can purchase a school faculty apartment at a preferential price;
(E) High-Quality Team Resources: Provides full quotas for recruiting PhD students and postdoctoral researchers during the employment period;
(F) Additional Support: Multiple affiliated hospitals, such as Shandong University Qilu Hospital and the Second Hospital, offer first-class medical and healthcare services for talents. Shandong University Basic Education Group provides leading domestic basic education for the children of talents.
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三、联系方式/Contact Information
电话/Tel: 86-531 883 66003
邮箱/Email: dpt@sdu.edu.cn