探寻生活中的美 | PsyCh Journal 线上讲座
谈及神经科学和艺术的相互渗透,首先联想到的更可能是艺术对神经的影响。PsyCh Journal在今年的系列特刊中,以“神经美学”这一新兴学科为主题,探讨艺术审美的神经机制,试图理解遗传方面的审美倾向以及各种复杂因素影响下的感知判断。
不止神经美学,在PsyCh Journal 创立10周年之际,期刊编辑部与Wiley共同举办生活中的美专题在线研讨会。
Beauty in Life: Neuroaesthetics and Beyond
9:00 – 11:50, 14:00 – 17:00 (北京时间)
Yan Bao
Peking University, China
Yan Bao received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology and educational psychology from Beijing Normal University, and later obtained her doctor’s degree in cognitive psychology from Peking University where she holds a permanent position of associate professor since 2000. She also worked in Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich (LMU) periodically since 2001 and became a guest professor of LMU in 2015. She is a member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2018. Her current research focuses on time perception (both high-frequency and low-frequency neural oscillation domains including circadian rhythms), spatial attention (endogenous and exogenous attention in the perifoveal and peripheral visual fields and their temporal control), and neuroaesthetics (temporal and spatial processing in visual art, music and poetry).
Naoyuki Osaka
Kyoto University, Japan
Naoyuki Osaka is a Japanese psychologist investigating the neural correlates of beauty and happiness. Using an fMRI, he has conducted behavioral and brain imaging studies of the human visual brain, specifically in implicit motion in Hokusai Manga, emotional face recognition in the Noh play, and Zen meditation under the default-mode network. More recently, he has been interested in cultural neuroaesthetics of Japanese Noh play and emotional neuroaesthetics of color experience, viewed from a single, paired, and complex combination in terms of the brain’s rewarding system. He is a Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, a member of the Japan Academy and the Science Council of Japan, presenter of the Imperial New Year’s Lecture to the emperor and the royal family.
Hong Xu
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Hong Xu is Associate Professor of Psychology in School of Social Sciences, with a joint appointment in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology on visual neuroscience (neural correlates of heading perception in area MSTd), and Master’s in Statistics, both from University of Chicago, and her B.S. in Psychology from Peking University. Her postdoctoral training in face perception was at Columbia University Medical Center. Her research expertise is in visual neuroscience, visual perception and its application to human-computer interaction and user experience. She has extensive research experience in visual perception (e.g., heading perception and face perception), by electrophysiology, psychophysics, virtual reality (VR) simulations, behavioral experiments, onsite mock-up tests, interview, focus group discussion, survey, and statistical modelling.
Xianyou He
South China Normal University, China
Xianyou He is a professor of the Pearl River Scholar Program of Guangdong Province and a recipient of the New Century Excellent Talents Support Project of the Ministry of Education in China. Now, he works as dean of the School of Psychology at South China Normal University (SCNU), Vice Chairman of the Educational Psychology Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society, and director of the learning science center of SCNU. He received his PhD at SCNU, completed postdoctoral training at Beijing Normal University, and was a visiting scholar at the University of Memphis. His research mainly focuses on social cognition, neuroaesthetics, and language processing. He has received several funds on neuroaesthetics supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Ernst Pöppel
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
Ernst Pöppel studied psychology and biology in Freiburg, Munich and Innsbruck. In 1997 he co-founded the Human Science Center of LMU Munich and was its first chairman. Since 2002 he is guest professor in the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences of Peking University. In 2009 he co-founded the Parmenides Center for Art and Science at the Parmenides Foundation and has since been its director. Since 1993 he is member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, and he is also member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salzburg), the Academia Europaea (London), and the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow). Since 2016 he is Editor-in-Chief of the PsyCh Journal published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wiley. His research is focused on neural mechanisms of visual perception, temporal processing in the brain, and the relationship between art and science; he has published more than 300 scientific papers and also some 10 books for the general public. His personal motto is: “Scientists are Natural Ambassadors”.
Hennric Jokeit
Swiss Epilepsy Center, Switzerland
Hennric Jokeit studied psychology in East Berlin at Humboldt University before 1990, and then studied the neurobiological foundations of visual perception at LMU in Munich. Jokeit later worked on the brain mapping of cognitive and affective functions using MRI. Since 2001 he has been head of the Institute for Neuropsychological Diagnostics and Imaging at the Swiss Epilepsy Centre and Professor of Neuropsychology at the University of Zurich. Hennric Jokeit began his photographic exploration of images and their meanings after a person close to him was diagnosed, solely on the basis of medical diagnostic imaging, with a neurological disease. His first exhibitions and publications followed a few years later in 2007. His works were represented by the galleries Erdmann Contemporary, Cape Town, and Bildhalle, Zurich, and have been exhibited in Switzerland, South Africa, Germany, France, and Lithuania.
Caroll Hermann
North-West University of Africa, South Africa
Caroll Hermann is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Psychosocial Studies, North West University in South Africa. She studied psychology at the University of Zululand in South Africa and completed her doctoral studies in “An integral ecopsychological investigation of bonsai principles, meaning and healing” in 2015. Her research interests include using bonsai as psychodynamic therapy tool during interventions, ecopsychology and social media studies using mainly thematic analysis. She has published several papers on using bonsai as a therapeutic tool and has a registered research and outreach project.
Semir Zeki
University College London, UK
Semir Zeki is a British and French neurobiologist who has specialised in studying the primate visual brain and more recently the neural correlates of affective states, such as the experience of love, desire and beauty that are generated by sensory inputs within the field of neuroesthetics. Zeki has conducted anatomical and physiological studies of the primate visual brain. He co-discovered the motion area in the brain, area V5 (also called area MT). Since 1987, he has used positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the human visual brain. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, a foreign member of the American Philosophical Society, Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (London), a member of the Academia Europeae and of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
关于PsyCh Journal:
PsyCh Journal 创刊于 2012 年,是中国第一本国际心理学期刊,同时也是bet36体育在线:心理研究所的旗舰期刊。期刊发表同行评议的研究文章、研究报告和综合研究评论,涵盖科学心理学及其应用领域。作为一本综合性的心理学专业期刊,PsyCh Journal以认识人类心智和行为奥秘、了解人类社会和文化、促进人类心理健康为己任。为实现这一目标,期刊通过展示国内外与心理学科学和实践相关的高质量前沿研究,为中国与世界的学术交流搭建了平台。 PsyCh Journal 收录了科学心理学和跨学科科学的实证和理论研究的原创文章,涵盖从分子、细胞和系统到个人、群体和社会的各个层面。该期刊还发表关于科学心理学领域的重大研究贡献的综述及评论性论文。