Two crucial global challenges facing the 21st century are exploration of energy (including offshore wind and deep-water methane hydrate) and management of geo-environment, both of which are essential for building a sustainable future. To provide a platform for sharing scientific breakthroughs in sustainable geotechnical solutions to energy production and geo-environment management, Zhejiang University has successfully organized the 1st International Symposium on Coastal and Offshore Geotechnics (ISCOG 2012) in Hangzhou, and jointly organized the 1st International Conference on Geo-Energy and Geo-Environment (GeGe2015) with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Considering the two international conferences are highly complementary, we are arranging the 2nd ISCOG & GeGe events in parallel in 2017 at Zhejiang University (China), with the specific aim of enhancing multi-disciplinary interactions in the areas related to energy and geo-environment management. This combined event (ISCOG2017 & GeGe2017) is supported by the ISSMGE. In the conference, two parallel programmes will be offered, but also with substantial common plenary sessions and keynotes by prominent speakers.
The presentations will include a re-run of the 2016 Rankine Lecture by Professor Richard Jardine from Imperial College, as well as a re-run of the 2017 Terzaghi Lecture by Professor Kerry Rowe from Queens University.
联系人: Yi Hong
联系电话: +86 13758906685
E-MAIL: yi_hong@zju.edu.cn